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Gmail - facebook group [ poz peer support and interaction ] post : Do we have an understanding?
James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

facebook group [ poz peer support and interaction ] post : Do we have an understanding?

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 12:31 AM
To: "Michael R. Maynard : Client Advocate of James Driskill" <mmaynard@fapinfo.org>
Mr. Maynard:

If you do not respond onto my email, I will copy my email saved copy archived email at my domains URL to your thread on facebook. Please do not insult my intelligence and tell me that my involment to these external mediums is an erosion of my mental health.  That just further erodes any trust that can be built from a "new paraidm" of client centered supportive interface.  If your facebook "business listing" page is removed, that just goes to futher confirm this conspiracy rather than act accordingly to reconcillation.  The statements made to the last of this thread here copied into this email format appear online to the public.  I am making a stand for excellence.   The statemenmts and position that I represent are the truth.  My mother tells me you want to say something, and I will listen.  Only to a point, but you must meet me half way and walk on this journey to fix the social services client interface that must be fixed.  There is no option.  When will you  GetIt ? Do I have to really become an asshole and court is where we resolve these matters?

This email has Boomerang Respondable Status: Likely To Receive A Response

Read: IAmAnAsshole [ On WikiWorld ]


When people don't agree with me I think they are not listening. I get pissed off and start shouting. You can't enslave me to live your idea of TheGoodLife, I would die first==== You've made up your mind and don't want to be confused by the facts. And I start feeling sorry for myself. Nobody is interested in Truth except me. Everybody else just wants to be right when to learn you must find you are wrong, why can't they GetIt! It's impossible to tell someone something they don't alredy know because they won't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. ====

I went to live in the abandoned mines of aspen mountain as a hermit in 1969 because I thought communication with other human beings was not possible. I thought all the people living ticky tacky lifes in ticky tacky houses offered no real value. I was concerned that my profession, computer science, would be used for evil by the powerful to dehumanize people. After three weeks I realized that everything that was really important to me involved other people. Even a mountains beauty, boy would so-and-so dig that, all my joy and will involed other people. I layed by spring creek in taylor national forest for hours content to be absorbed into the mountain. I had nothing to live for.

I realized that if I chose to live, I'd have to march back to Aspen and become a part of humanity. I savored the bliss I felt laying by the rushing stream for a while longer and then bagan the march back to civilization.

I decided that the best thing to do with my computer knowlege was to use it for humanity. If you can't beat them, join them. I hoped I could help put the power of the computer in the hands of the people. (I am satisfied I've done my part with EIES, WWW and teaching.) I decided to test my hypothosis about human uselessesness. Every time I met someone who seems useless to me, I stoped my travels, I got to know them better, and asked questions like, what is really importnt, or what would you rather be doing. In most cases, within minutes they would teach me something important. I began to realize that other people were cool, I was the jerk.

But 25 years later I still cannot communicate with anyone and here I am trying to actualize a CollectiveIntelligence. How stupid could I be? In well over a decade of teaching objects about 4 of my students really GetIt. Chances are they got it before they started my class. (At least they all learned to write SmallTalk code more or less.) I have no bases to presume I can communicate anything meaningfull to anybody. Nobody understands my InformationPhysics (except wheeler maybe), nobody understands the urgency or relavance of my DeclarationOfInterdependence. I may be a bad teacher but I have 5 children that have to live in this world WE are preparing for them, my mind is open, and God help us, can't we agree on anything==== ====

StarPilot is right, it is hopeless. But I will never give up. I will try and try again and hopefully learn from my failures. Hopefully I can stop abusing visitors to my web site at least... I am a LegendInMyOwnMind.

Well, If you go back in evolution, all higher life evolved from colonies of cells that collaborated to form rings that extended into little worms that took one kind of shit and passed it though the collective extracting nutrients and passing through another kind of shit, effectively an asshole==== We are decended from assholes so it should be no suprise that we are all assholes. ====

Most everybody is selective about their friendships. They choose not to befriend at least 2 out of 3 people they meet. Now if they didn't think they were assholes, they would befriend them, no? Of course they would.. Well, it varies of course, some nice people only call people jerks that call them jerks. Some like everybody but the sand niggers. And for others, just about everybody is a asshole. In any case if on the average the jerk ratio is 2/3 of the rest of the people in the world, than by popular vote, we are all assholes.

-- JimScarver


I am pretty lucky to live the good life. I am not rich finacially, but my life is rich. The good life means something different to everyone, but we can recogize it when we see it. The animal or person living well is healthy, content and living fully.

The founding fathers of America had a vision of the good life for everyone. Free enterprise and people unbound to the shakels of government could accomplish great things. Unfortunately much of this vision has been lost.

Each of us have our own idea of GoodAndEvil. For us all to live the good life we must accept the simple fact that it is subjective and we can only support each others views of the good life by employing a live and let live SocialContract of CooperativeDiversity.

Wealth is not finite. Our wealth as a civilization depends only of the value we create. What we need first is the vision, and second is the will to create value. Finally we need the means, which we find we have had all along. We have creative minds and the rich resources of the planet, MarsFrontier, galaxy and beyond.

If we manage our shared resources profitably then there is no limit to the value we can create. If we create value, we can all share the freedom to try to live the good life as we see it and fullfil anything we want that does not infringe the freedoms of others.

The DeclarationOfInterdependence is a collaborative attempt to redesign government to reclaim the vision of our founders and thrive in the twentyfirst century.


For more on government redesign see: AmericanVanguard, DeclarationOfInterdependence

For more on having a good mindset see: InTheMindway

Thank You Mr. Scarver for the mention of my page here. For some additional words written around the year 1750 for having of having a good mindset that also guides me, see: WordsToLiveBy --InTheMindway

This page is one stop on the TourOfWikiWorld.


Play Video On YouTube #WordsToLiveBy Circa 1750s Expanded Citations Version Standards Of Excellence

Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. —ANON

THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale.[1][2]


Published in poem "Blank Verse" form from 1742 to 1745 by Rev. Edward Young.[3] These words then appear future time forward in many publications in transverse and slightly modified forms. This includes the publication that I find most relevant in today's modern era technological world.[4] This above quote of Young's work is found in a history book that has removed any religious references and then has been credited to source anonymous. Then proceeds to describe in the following above paragraph the intent of virtue/integrity/morality of the authors upon the entire published history. [ Read On From Linking to Book Source ]. There is a very important ideal said of immortality that should be highly considered in the modern day application of these words.

As these words have been replicated in many publications, this forms a collection of works from various authors and sources. These are currently already digitized online with I am sure more publications to be added into the available online collection. A baseline of returned search results day to day shows there is progression in new works being added to this published body of work that Young's words seemed to resonate in that day of educated literacy removing and freeing ignorance from the masses.

These can be easily found by quoted Google books search, [ "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" ] [5].
There has been found a smaller subset of publications where brevity seems to be placed of this quotation and found usually containing at least line 5, [ "Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile" ][6]

It has been my conclusion since my first discovery of these words appearing online from approximately the early 2000s when a general web search of "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" returned perhaps less than 10 matches. Notably, in my Urbandictionary defintion "Cybermark",[7] December 28th 2006, I have used the cited example:

"The phrase "Teach Ignorance To See; or Grief To Smile" is an an observed expressed thought that historically appears in the writings and documents of many individuals relating to issues of morality and ethics for centuries. The individuals do not appear to be related or known to each other. As more of these documents become publicly visible onto the Internet, this phrase becomes an identifiable cybermark that links all of the historical and current usage of these documents and these individuals together in an unified group that have found unity in a "common bond" by the repetitive expression of this cybermark ideal."

These are WordsToLiveBy then and now. Thank you for applying these into your daily knowledge and daily practice. These are highly important words of virtue that somehow in modern era we have lost our common reasoning.


Does anyone researching this, under the term "Complaint" see any need to complain about this as placed here at WikiWorld for any any any any reason? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Where would your common reasoning for substantially altering or deleting these messages here be? These should stay forever here and forever to all time human history. Thank you.


View Words To Live By Message Image Plaque: [8]

These Words Have been Placed To  YouTube Video Presenation [ updated onto your thread review on your business listing ]:

James M Driskill #WordsToLiveBy Circa 1750s Expanded Citations Version Standards Of Excellence


This is a long-form video playlist -- suggest that you watch the entire presentation - to include the next link..


James M Driskill You are 100% Wrong Mr. Michael R Maynard,

Transcript: Excerpt Pope Francis's speech to Congress Sept 2015

"We Must Confront Very Form Of Polarization that puts this into these two camps. The righteous and the sinners".

That is the advise I am following -- in mission work you are hyper-criticizing claim is harming me by doing this work -- doing these actions accordingly. You are walking an immoral line of arrogance, foolishness, and perhaps being a psychopath to the level of disorder input can be placed into your view. You have no conscience.


poz peer support and interaction


Note that says PERMALINK --- Permenant Link

This is my case manager at Foothill AIDS Project Off Indivual Business Listing Page for Michael R Maynard. If more case managers had separate business listings pages, we would be better off as clients to be free of a conspiracy by being able to place reviews for case managers.


--- I place a "does not recommend" review onto his page. This should command some respect. But he will just have it removed from facebook and move on as before, without change.

To Be My True Client Advocate Representing A Legal Necessity Reblanced focus of change in our interpersonal relationship.

To begin a complex reasoning why, as a Drug Treatment Center, Acknowledge The Truth To Several Factors Of "Modern Thought" On Addiction Involvements and state of consideration of the how decriminalization policy since 2001 in the country of Portugal has a 90% decline in the number of new HIV Infection Cases.

Michael R Maynard is current staff at the Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino. You can google [ Michael R Maynard Foothill Aids Project ] to confirm this.


There is a major problem associated with the client interface with this social service agency. There is a google review that is standing for Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino that represents a pretty ugly picture of what I am referring to here. I am told that Mr. Jacobson is a member of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Council

"Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
a year ago
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with contempt and umprofessionlism."

There has been an inquiry and a request of response regarding this review. Personally, the media creations of the discourse of dysfunctional "conflict of interest" case management problem with no solution are posted on YouTube in two separate video posts:

To foothill AIDS Project RE: Change of Case Management Focus to Person Centered

To Executive Director Foothill Aids Project -- #ConspiracyExposed [ Enable@Un.Org ]

Current Efforts Of An Client / Agency Interface includes this:

Audio Review File:

A Written Address With Links To This Audio Address:

This position is being brought forward into his view from this client author writing this review here of a truth knowledge network [ @realuphuman.net ] and peacebuilding [ Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete... ] @gruwup.net even though he refuses to reply onto my individual sent email.

These matters that are at hand are extremely imperative to fix this weighty truth in the interface dysfunction of the social services network between the Ryan White Care Act social services network and clients. If understood this dysfunction crosses into almost all major urban area Ryan White Care Act Funded agencies nationally, collaborated by negative outlook Glassdoor employee to employer reviews. An address to the national disorder is found at:


So far they are untrustworthy and I have decided to take the advice of the Google Reviewer and Run As Fast and as Far Away from my holding onto a fantasy of being able to reconcile this hate based setup within the Ryan White Care Act [ perhaps overall factors of all types ] of social services interfaces in the United States of America. If we take on a collectively and cumulatively cause and effect, there is a great erosion of trust happening here that no one seems to be able to see, an invisible force of disturbance is happening here in the United States of America.

That large sale erosion of trust begets more erosion of trust. A vicious cycle affecting all of society.

In October of 2017, a Washington Post Article appeared [ How The Erosion Of Trust Leads To Murder and Mass Shootings ]:


This situation at hand here in this review is very much real! It is very complex and actually considered a wicked problem [ see Wikipedia on definition ]

It is a Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck

LikeShow more reactions
James M Driskill
James M Driskill Audio Review File: Playtime 16mins 49 secs - Spoken Voice Narrative of The reasoning Why We Must Induce and Force The Change Necessary Here In The United States.

· Reply · 1d
James M Driskill
James M Driskill A National Perspective Presenation: http://ryan-white-care-act.fuckeduphuman.net : Note Tagging Inland Empire HIV Planning Council -- When is the next planning council meeting? I want to address the council on these matters as soon as possible. An emergency meeting should be held. Thank you.
James M Driskill
James M Driskill Spoken Voice Narrative Presentation of Washington Post Article - How The Erosion of Trust leads to murders and mass shootings. [ Inland Empire HIV Planning Council Act Against AIDS ] -- Please read the full business review for my current case manager at Foothill AIDS Project San Bernardino. Yes, I am that bold with the balls to post this truth --- because it is wrong to leave this status quo paradigm unchallenged.

James M Driskill
James M Driskill Ted Talk: Ideas Worth Sharing - If the Social Services Internet Will Open Their Client Interface Up To Receive [ T R U T H ! ]

Everything You Think You Know About Addiction Is Wrong - Johann Hari


Mr. Maynard You Are Caught In a Binding To Actually DO ACTION of the RIGHT THING HERE -- otherwise, it is nonfeasance and we see each other in court. --- What you ought to do is pray the hate away and give up the hate now and forever --- we change this interface dysfunction now! Care to be a Great Reasons that Us will Unite Peace? Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace --- say say say you are sorry for lying to me.
James M Driskill
James M Driskill I TOLD YOU SO!
· Reply · 1d
James M Driskill
James M Driskill I WILL ONCE AGAIN TELL YOU SO --- YOU ARE FOLLOWING A MODEL OF THE OLD SYSTEM PARADIGM THAT DOES NOT EMPOWER THE CLIENT SIDE --- BUT DISCOURAGES AND ERODES TRUST --- YOUR INDEFENCEABLE POSITION IS THAT YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THE TRUTH. Watch this time indexed Mini Law School presentation of Article 12 of the Convention For Rights for Persons With Disabilities --- my rights according to that model are being violated. There is nonfeasance involving the contract as it stands, your obligations fail to meet the needs of health wellness of this client. I can prove my points of merit in court. We go to court because of your arrogance in not incorporation this new world perspective. Your ideal, beliefs, schooling of education, and certifications of completion training are stagnant. Your advice from that base is outdated. Your work harming the client base and must be stopped. Open a fresh perspective -- a legal level intervention - is the only thing that will make a change here --- your beyond rational ability to negotiate around your nightmare you have created.

Mini Law School - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Timeindex 43:00 Ten Minute Discussion on Article 12 --- "Legal Capacity"
James M Driskill
James M Driskill #WordsToLiveBy Circa 1750s Expanded Citations Version Standards Of Excellence


This is a long-form video playlist -- suggest that you watch the entire presentation - to include the next link..
James M Driskill
James M Driskill You are 100% Wrong Mr. Michael R Maynard,

Transcript: Excerpt Pope Francis's speech to Congress Sept 2015

"We Must Confront Very Form Of Polarization that puts this into these two camps. The righteous and the sinners".


That is the advise I am following -- in mission work you are hyper-criticizing claim is harming me by doing this work -- doing these actions accordingly. You are walking an immoral line of arrogance, foolishness, and perhaps being a psychopath to the level of disorder input can be placed into your view. You have no conscience.
James M Driskill
· Reply · 1d
James M Driskill
James M Driskill shared a profile to the group: poz peer support and interaction.

This is my case manager at Foothill AIDS Project Off Indivual Business Listing Page for Michael R Maynard. If more case managers had separate business listings pages, we would be better off as clients to be free of a conspiracy by being able to place reviews for case managers.


--- I place a "does not recommend" review onto his page. This should command some respect. But he will just have it removed from facebook and move on as before, without change.


James M Driskill
James M Driskill As Long As This Review Stands Visible - and this emoji stands for your reaction to this review: Face Screaming In Fear: https://emojipedia-us.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.co... : Shall I have faith that you actually understand the seriousness of my review to the truth and will I receive any advice from you at all. This review must remain standing as is fully open to the public. In essence, a criticism and review of case management of a Ryan White Care Act agency that has never been so far able to be made in my cases. Without this review process being respected, you are allowed to go run-a-muck in hate and retaliation against change. If this review is removed trying to hide the truth from the public, I will detach services and walk out just like I did yesterday on the 9th of October and my course of action will be to pursue a lawsuit for nonfeasance. Do we have an understanding? I only bear witness of the truth, that you fear that truth be known. That truth must be told !!😱 Our country is suffering from the element of distrust your at the hands of creating. I did not create this paradigm, you all did.