James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

FAP Support
3 messages

Foothill AIDS Project <info@fapinfo.org>Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 2:54 PM
Reply-To: info@fapinfo.org
To: "Jennifer-Anne-Brehme-CanIndeedBeHonestToClent-JamesMDriskill@realuphuman.net" <Jennifer-Anne-Brehme-CanIndeedBeHonestToClent-JamesMDriskill@realuphuman.net>

Hello James Gruwup RealupHuman Martin Driskill,

Thank you so much for contacting us.

Your message is being reviewed. The best FAP team member for your inquiry with contact you within the next day or so.

Kind regards,

Art McDermott,
Development Officer
Foothill AIDS Project (F.A.P.)
T: 909-482-2066 Ext. 313
F: 909-482-2070

Like FAP on Facebook: www.facebook.com/foothillaidsproject
Follow FAP on Twitter: www.twitter.com/foothillaids

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Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 3:39 PM
To: info@fapinfo.org
Cc: Jennifer Anne Brehme <jennifer@fapinfo.org>, Jennifer Brehme <jemhe8@gmail.com>, "Michael R. Maynard : @RealUpHuman Client Advocate of James Driskill" <mmaynard@fapinfo.org>, Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP <mtona@fapinfo.org>

Text Submission Content Data Tracking for Web Form at http://fapinfo.org/contact is provided here in full for the record of facts --- should there be a need of a court magistrate to oversee the responsible parties obligations of actions, nonfeasance claims by client against the activities of agency is being placed to a form of dirty deeds done dirt cheap standards. GET REAL PEOPLE!  Your time has run out. Time to give up this hate paradigm conspiracy model you all have been playing for decades against the wellness empowerment of clients.  An outcome of injury and mistrust is happening and you don't give a flying fuck.  That is what is presented on YouTube with client presentation media.  Get Real --- Time's up.  #TimesUp --- time to get busy to a model of excellence or go out of business operations and stop deceiving the public!  GET REAL GET REAL GET REAL GET REAL GET REAL GET REAL GET REAL GET REAL GET REAL!  [ x9 ]

How about liking a joining my facebook community page : @Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace

http://wikiworld.com/wiki/index.php/WordsToLiveBy ______________/+\ _____________/::::::::\ ____________/:::::::::::::\ INVISABLE___|::::::: 9 :::::| EMPOWER OUR VISIONS ____________\:::::::::::::/ _____________\::::::::/ ______________\+/ We know it exists today because so many of us have personally experience it and speak about it with face to face language. We have it, but it has an unusual characteristic that provides no means of a historical chronicle should it decay to ruins. It is silent to our ears; no audio recording can exist. It is invisable to our eyes; no photographs can be taken. Can't touch it, no smell or taste. It does exist and what exists around our world usually follows either natural effects of time decay and withering away by accidental or hostile acts of destruction. Should it disappear it will be lost. - An Individual Human Thought- Monday, October 14th, 1996 07:48PM PT The Birth of "In The Mindway" Accreditation for can be found with Google Book Search [ "In The Mindway" ] http://www.google.com/#q=%22in+the+mindway%22&hl=en&safe=off&tbo=1&biw=1024&bih=647&tbm=bks&fp=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&cad=b Internet - Page 208 Wikimedia Foundation - Google eBook Information Theory - Page 544 books.google.com
That publication chapter of my content contribution is the very last chapter titled: Meme : and : Memetics

Get Real! 


This correspondence from client James Martin Driskill is to the direct attention of Jennifer Anne Brehme, Mental Health Program Director of Foothill Aids Project.  It contains an important declaration in the change of direction [ of opportunities ] given to make corrective adaptive thinking on the impasse status of our contracted services that you fall under a declared stated condition of nonfeasance, a legal standard that applies to your role and duty to perform an necessary action upon client concerns and standards of care.  We shall progress as though you are reading responsibility these correspondences --- a reply is appreciated to the role duty of performance of mental health wellness outcomes that you frankly are failing to meet expectations of your job duty that will have consequences of consent --- by silence --- you give content, a plato proverb of standard that ignoring this communications gives consent for this client to do what must be done, at a level of thought and action that saves lives that are being ill impacted by a conspiracy involved that is exposed on Google Reviews and Glassdoor against the service standards of care of the Ryan White Care Act funded social services non-profit agencies that is a nationally systemic problem that must have a course correction. Thank you.

On LinkedIn, I have tagged your individual account name and company name of Foothill Aids Project to a comment and a full presentation post --- which the source of this discussion post was found earlier today on Twitter by following the feed of Rocky Mountain Cares. 

If you had been following your detailed descriptive narrative, like Foothill Aids Project is declared @fuckeduphuman.net [ http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net ] so too is Rocky Mountain Cares [ http://rockymountaincares.fuckeduphuman.net ] and Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project [ http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net ]

Each one of you has this web presence for a very intended and reasoned rational thinking purpose.

On Twitter, then carried to LinkedIn is an event called a "Focus Group" being held at the Denver offices of Rocky Mountain Cares wereby they are offering to compensate $75 per client/patient of RMC to attend this discussion event to obtain the client's opinions that are being sought here as important.  

Foothill Aids Project probably should adopt this same standard of practice someday soon in the efforts to actually repair the injury that this conspiracy exposed in the Ryan White Care Act social services non-profits industry that is occurring that discourages empowerment and discussions of changes forthright to a empowerment model. 

Your tagged because LinkedIn has this option to tag because you are among the user base of LinkedIn, even though I cannot tag Michael R Maynard anymore because he blocks his account against clients involvements, an act of restriction to hold the secret silence of the status quo of a conspiracy exposed.

What I can do, I must do.  What I must do, I shall do.  What I shall do, it will be done.  NO EXCUSES!  I will not take NO for an answer..... do you hear me wisdom wise or are you still treating me with silence, contempt, and insolence of a better way out of this contentious model of muck that you are being called out for to respond a response of responsibility.

Your tagged Comment URL on LinkedIn is:

The Top Posting URL that is references for this article that you can read the entire posting content is:

I expect this conversation to be set into a set calendar appointment schedule.  That being said, it is my calendar and my side of business location at the home of my family since I have been age 5 where these situations can have resolve, appology and forgiveness.  I expect that both you Jennifer Brehme and Michael Maynard and perhaps the attendance of Doctor Christopher Eric Berger to come to my business office location / home residence address to conduct a level of professionalism that you are not used to being directed to undergo.  YES, this will be done this way because it must be done this way and there is no option but to unite peace building worlds where it is obvious to whom the jury will hold faith to believe and you will lose lose lose big big big time time time.  x3 and if I file this case, I will settle for no less than $5,000,000 [ that is 5 million dollars ] and I am very very very serious serious serious x3 --- again we must seek reconciliation or else you all deserve to go under and cease your business operations that are actually injuring the HIV community and society at large.  You just don't see this hurt and harm you are doing --- from the client's perspectives because you have contempt for client views and process of life.  Go Figure!

What time would be best for at least you two staff of Foothill Aids Project to attend a business orientated meeting on my terms?

3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405
720-446-7044 : The Kramobone Phone

Internet Domain Name Registrant Physical address of the domain : @gruwup.net : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace


 (720) 446-7044 GET DIRECTIONS
@Gruwup.net : Peacebuilding WebSite Headquarters
Open today until 6:00 PM
CALL (720) 446-7044
[Quoted text hidden]

Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 3:40 PM
To: realuphuman.net@gmail.com
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
To: info@fapinfo.org
Cc: Jennifer Anne Brehme <jennifer@fapinfo.org>, Jennifer Brehme <jemhe8@gmail.com>, "Michael R. Maynard : @RealUpHuman Client Advocate of James Driskill" <mmaynard@fapinfo.org>, Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP <mtona@fapinfo.org>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 15:39:37 -0800
Subject: Re: FAP Support
Text Submission Content Data Tracking for Web Form at
http://fapinfo.org/contact is provided here in full for the record of facts
--- should there be a need of a court magistrate to oversee the responsible
parties obligations of actions, nonfeasance claims by client against the
activities of agency is being placed to a form of dirty deeds done dirt
cheap standards. GET REAL PEOPLE!  Your time has run out. Time to give up
this hate paradigm conspiracy model you all have been playing for decades
against the wellness empowerment of clients.  An outcome of injury and
mistrust is happening and you don't give a flying fuck.  That is what is
presented on YouTube with client presentation media.  Get Real --- Time's
up.  #TimesUp --- time to get busy to a model of excellence or go out of
business operations and stop deceiving the public!  GET REAL GET REAL GET

How about liking a joining my facebook community page : @Gruwup : Great
Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace


______________/+\ _____________/::::::::\ ____________/:::::::::::::\
____________\:::::::::::::/ _____________\::::::::/ ______________\+/ We
know it exists today because so many of us have personally experience it
and speak about it with face to face language. We have it, but it has an
unusual characteristic that provides no means of a historical chronicle
should it decay to ruins. It is silent to our ears; no audio recording can
exist. It is invisable to our eyes; no photographs can be taken. Can't
touch it, no smell or taste. It does exist and what exists around our world
usually follows either natural effects of time decay and withering away by
accidental or hostile acts of destruction. Should it disappear it will be
lost. - An Individual Human Thought- Monday, October 14th, 1996 07:48PM PT
The Birth of "In The Mindway" Accreditation for can be found with Google
Book Search [ "In The Mindway" ]
Internet - Page 208 Wikimedia Foundation - Google eBook Information Theory
- Page 544 books.google.com
That publication chapter of my content contribution is the very last
chapter titled: Meme : and : Memetics

Get Real!


This correspondence from client James Martin Driskill is to the direct
attention of Jennifer Anne Brehme, Mental Health Program Director of
Foothill Aids Project.  It contains an important declaration in the change
of direction [ of opportunities ] given to make corrective adaptive
thinking on the impasse status of our contracted services that you fall
under a declared stated condition of nonfeasance, a legal standard that
applies to your role and duty to perform an necessary action upon client
concerns and standards of care.  We shall progress as though you are
reading responsibility these correspondences --- a reply is appreciated to
the role duty of performance of mental health wellness outcomes that you
frankly are failing to meet expectations of your job duty that will have
consequences of consent --- by silence --- you give content, a plato
proverb of standard that ignoring this communications gives consent for
this client to do what must be done, at a level of thought and action that
saves lives that are being ill impacted by a conspi
----- Message truncated -----